Title I Federal Programs
Pamela March, Title I Director
506 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Suite A
DeRidder, LA 70634
(337) 463-5905 – Phone
(337) 462-0218 – Fax
Beauregard Parish Title I Program provides instructional personnel, supplies and equipment to students in grades K-5. This program focuses on providing highly qualified personnel to work with students in math and reading.
A major emphasis of Title I is parental involvement. Computer labs located at schools are utilized after scheduled school hours to encourage parents to spend time with their children in a rich learning environment.
Professional development for teachers and paraprofessionals is another important facet of the Title I program. Training is provided in the areas of communication, reading, math, and computer-assisted instruction.
Early intervention is a key focus of the Title I program. Elementary students at-risk of meeting the literacy requirements necessary to succeed in school are provided additional instruction/strategies in reading by qualified personnel.
Beauregard Parish Title I Schools
Carver Elementary
East Beauregard Elementary
K. R. Hanchey Elementary
Merryville High School
Pine Wood Elementary
Singer High School
South Beauregard Elementary
South Beauregard Upper Elementary
DeRidder Jr. High
Parents of Students in a Title I School
Right-To-Know Notification Letter
Carta de notificación del derecho a saber
Homeless Education Support and Services
Children experiencing homelessness need a stable, safe, supportive environment. Schools offer consistent educational experiences, teachers, and friends during this transitional time. Contact your school for homeless application.
Who is considered homeless?
According to the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001 - Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act, Section 725, the term "homeless children and youth" means:
Beauregard Parish Homeless Forms
McKinney-Vento Referral Form
Homeless Questionnaire
Louisiana Residency Questionnaire
Cuestionario de residencia en Luisiana
McKinney-Vento Needs Assessment
McKinney-Vento Dispute Resolution Procedures
District-Level Dispute Resolution Form
Beauregard Parish Resourse list
Information Websites
National Center for Homeless Education
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Department of Education Louisiana Believes
In this section, you will find various resources from the Louisiana Department of Education
Parent and Family Engagement
Click on the items listed below for amazing information
Building Readers Monthly Newsletter
Building Readers Videos:
Create a Family Reading Habit
Building Reading Skills and Comprehension
Instill a Love of Reading in Your Child
Motivate a Struggling Reader
Make Read-Alouds Come to Life!
Connect Reading to Real Life